Daily Archives: Friday, May 2, 2014

  • May contain traces of Greens

    Election leaflets from the Liberal Democrats are renowned amongst followers of politics for their inaccuracies, in particular their dodgy ‘bar chart’ graphs.

    With the European Parliament elections later this month, sitting Liberal Democrat MEP for the South West Graham Watson has been getting his leaflets out. Those leaflets feature the picture below.


    Here we have a typical picture of smiling Liberal Democrats campaigning for better rail services in Bristol. Keen watchers of politics will notice some familiar local LD faces, such as former Bristol councillor ‘Jolly’ Jon Rogers, sitting Bristol councillor Tim Kent and Bristol West MP Stephen Williams.

    Keener eyes will also spot prominent local transport campaigner and Green Party member Julie Boston, as well as sitting Bristol Labour councillor Mark Bradshaw.

    Well done, Lib Dems!

    Hat tip: Anna McMullen.