Daily Archives: Thursday, September 9, 2021

  • Da iawn, Athro!

    Welsh schoolteacher Stephen Mason has set up a YouTube channel called So You’ve Moved to Wales (SYMTW) specifically for non-Welsh speaking schoolchildren moving to a Welsh school and having to catch up on Welsh language studies, Nation Cymru reports.

    Mr Mason works at Queen Elizabeth High School in Carmarthen and has 25 years’ service at the chalkface.

    Explaining his motive for setting up the SYMTW channel, Mr Mason told the paper:

    Moving home and changing schools when you are a teenager is a stressful time. A new country, a new school and a new language can easily become associated with an unhappy or stressful life episode. I therefore decided to make a series of videos for Welsh teachers to share with latecomers to their subject that would help them settle into their new surroundings more easily.

    The first of Mr Mason’s videos is embedded below.