
  • Nanny meets fascism

    In 1964, Walt Disney released Mary Poppins starring Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke, the man with the worst Cockney accent ever to be recorded for release on celluloid.

    One of the film’s biggest song and dance tunes was a catchy little number sung by the two stars and entitled “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious“.

    According to the song’s Wikipedia page, songwriters the Sherman Brothers have given several conflicting explanations for the word’s origin, in one instance claiming to have coined it themselves, based on their memories of having created double-talk words as children. At another time they are on record as having written the following:

    When we were little boys in the mid-1930s, we went to a summer camp in the Adirondack Mountains, where we were introduced to a very long word that had been passed down in many variations through many generations of kids. … The word as we first hear it was super-cadja-flawjalistic-espealedojus.

    Scroll forward sixty-one years from Mary Poppins on the silver screen and Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious has become part of the English language.

    Furthermore, as my social media timeline this week has revealed, the word itself has been parodied and used as a pun in connection with one person in particular, the disgraced 47th and 45th president of the United States, insurrectionist, convicted felon, adjudicated sexual predator, business fraudster, congenital liar and golf cheat commonly known as Donald John Trump, who is currently dealing enthusiastically and vindictively with punishing political opponents, as well as dismantling the federal government as part of his mission to Make America Grate Again (or something like that. Ed.)

    Cardboard sign bearing the handwritten slogan Super Callous Fragile Racist Sexist Nazi Potus
    Sounds about right!
  • Daleks preferable to Musk

    Dalek on display at MediaCityUK in ManchesterAs part of the background to TV science fiction series Dr Who, which has graced TV screens since 1963, one learns that the planet Skaro, home of the Daleks, suffered a thousand-year war between two societies: the Kaleds and the Thals. During this period, many natives of Skaro became badly mutated by fallout from nuclear weapons and chemical warfare. The Kaled government believed in genetic purity and swore to “exterminate the Thals” for being inferior. Believing his own society was becoming weak and that it was his duty to create a new master race from the ashes of his people, a Kaled scientist named Davros genetically modified several Kaleds into squid-like life-forms he called Daleks, removing such “weaknesses” as mercy and sympathy whilst enhancing other behaviours such as aggression and the survival instinct.

    The Daleks are just about the nastiest characters ever to appear on Doctor Who: they are portrayed as violent, merciless and pitiless cyborg aliens, completely absent of any emotion other than hate, who demand total conformity to the will of the Dalek with the highest authority. Your ‘umble scribe well remembers cowering behind the settee fifty-two years ago.

    However, there are worse creatures in the universe according to your correspondent’s social media timeline.

    Goose-step forward fascist man-baby Elon Musk, a man with a now undisputed reputation for gesture politics.

    In a poll by British science fiction writer Charlie Stross, the South African-born man-baby and best buddy of the disgraced 47th and 45th president of the United States, insurrectionist, convicted felon, adjudicated sexual predator, business fraudster, congenital liar and golf cheat, one Donald John Trump, is beating the Skaro aliens hands-down over the most evil incarnation of government.

    Post reads Listen, we face a choice! Which would be less evil: government by: Elon Musk 2% Daleks 98%
    You will obey or you will be exterminated!

    Where’s a Tardis when one’s needed?

  • Rachel buys magic beans

    The 1734 tale of “The Story of Jack Spriggins and the Enchanted Bean“, better known nowadays as “The History of Jack and the Bean-Stalk” in the version published in 1807, all hinges on Jack, the poor country boy and the hero of the story swapping the family cow at market for a handful of magic beans, much to the dismay of his mother.

    Official portrait of Rachel Reeves. Any resemblance to a competent economist is purely coincidentalWhat has a fairy tale about gullibility have to do with the current the Chancellor of the Exchequer, one Rachel Jane Reeves, who despite her qualifications from New College, Oxford (PPE) and the London School of Economics (doctorate in economics) appears to suffer from the same ailment as young Jack?

    Well, Ms Reeves seems to have been sold a complete fantasy by her civil service minders in the advice given to her in respect of her proposed announcement later this week of a third runway at London’s Heathrow airport to counter any opposition, as reported yesterday in The Times.

    The proposals for a third runaway at the capital’s main airport have long been a source of opposition and the latest incarnation thereof has drawn opposition from Energy Secretary Ed Miliband, London mayor Sadiq Khan and local London MPs Andy Slaughter (Hammersmith and Chiswick), Fleur Anderson (Putney), Marsha de Cordova (Battersea), John McDonnell (Hayes & Harlington) and Ruth Cadbury (Brentford & Isleworth).

    And the complete fantasy bought by Ms Reeves? As justification for airport expansion, she is on record as saying the third runaway is justified because of recent aviation fuel innovations.

    “Sustainable aviation fuel is changing carbon emissions from flying.”

    The only drawback to her argument is that there is, of course, no such thing as sustainable aviation fuel. As reported by The Guardian in 2024, a paper on sustainable jet fuels from the Institute for Policy Studies found that expectations for these were not realistic. Chuck Collins, co-author of the report remarked as follows:

    To bring these fuels to the scale needed would require massive subsidies, the trade-offs would be unacceptable and would take resources aware from more urgent decarbonization priorities.

    It’s a huge greenwashing exercise by the aviation industry. It’s magical thinking that they will be able to do this.

    A further study by The Royal Society in 2023 found that over half of the UK’s agricultural land would be needed to produce biofuel to meet the country’s existing aviation fuel demand.

    Not only is Ms Reeves indulging in greenwashing, there's an accusation of hypocrisy on the charge sheet too. She was prepared to argue against the expansion of Leeds Bradford airport near her Yorkshire constituency due to concerns about air and noise pollution.

    As The Times piece helpfully points out:

    In 2020, Reeves objected to a new terminal for the Leeds Bradford airport near her constituency, arguing that it “would significantly increase air and noise pollution” and “undermine vital efforts to ensure that Leeds upholds its commitment to become a carbon neutral city by 2030.”
  • Morning Star hits nail on head

    The Morning Star is one of Britain’s few left-wing news publications.

    As such and unlike other media outlets, it can be guaranteed not to be overly sycophantic where the person of the disgraced 47th and 45th president of the United States of America, insurrectionist, convicted felon, adjudicated sexual predator, business fraudster, congenital liar and golf cheat, one Donald John Trump is concerned.

    Today’s front page needs no further comment.

    Headline reads Return of the village idiot
    Make America Grate Again

    Needless to say, the Morning Star’s front page did not make it into the shots of national newspaper front pages provided each day by Sky News and what passes for BBC News. Too close to the truth perhaps.

    The closest any of the major papers came to criticism was the Daily Star; and it didn’t hold back.

    Headline Orange Manbaby sworn in as 47th president of the United States... help us God
    Two bibles for double insincerity…
  • Nearly 90 French organisations are leaving X

    X logoIn an opinion piece which appeared on Tuesday in Le Monde (paywalled), 86 French associations and federations announced they are collectively leaving X, a cesspit of far-right intolerance, ignorance, paranoia, misinformation, flat-out lying, and malicious abuse formerly known as Twitter, on 20th January, the date of convicted felon and sexual predator Donald Trump’s inauguration as the 47th United States president. By supporting the “Hello leave X” initiative, they are also appealing to the public to leave the platform en masse.

    The LDH (Ligue des droits de l’Homme – Human Rights League) jointly set up the HelloQuitteX collective in partnership with the CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique – National Scientific Research Centre) and was also asked to sign the opinion piece initiated by the poverty and homeless charity Emmaüs France. Moreover, it decided not to post any more content on X due to both the configuration of its algorithms, which encourage the proliferation of hateful content and spread conspiracy theories and climate scepticism, and the lack of moderation.

    The LDH believes that X is no longer the digital street (however imperfect) that it could have been, due to the manipulation of the conditions for making public debate possible by Elon Musk and, as a result, the lack of visibility of the principles that it upholds in defending human rights and equality.

    It is also a basic call to arms for democracy, implying the solidarity of all stakeholders in civil society and politics who share the same values. This entails promoting and advocating digital spaces that respect and ensure the protection of pluralism, respectful debate and reason.

    The LDH is therefore inviting all those who share these values to leave en bloc if possible on 20th and follow them on Mastodon or Bluesky instead.

    In other news, the German army has announced it is also abandoning X. Auf Wiedersehen, Elon!

  • What We Leave Behind

    Your ‘umble scribe’s recent stay in Sydney coincided with the Sydney Festival, a major arts festival held for three weeks in January every year since its inception in 1977.

    On my penultimate day in Australia your correspondent had arranged to visit the Museum of Contemporary Art Australia and arrived rather early. While waiting to rendezvous, a volunteer for Cave Urban outside a gazebo at Tallawoladah Lawn persuaded yours truly to take part in What We Leave Behind, a participatory event involving lots of split bamboo, market pens and people’s imaginations.

    Leaflet reads WHAT WE LEAVE BEHIND CAVE URBAN Come down to Tallawoladah Lawn outside the Museum of Contemporary Art Australia) to share your messages of hope for our planet. Your written messages will be woven into this stunning bamboo art installation. 8am-7pm daily

    Members of the public were invited to leave messages of hope for the planet on strips of bamboo which are being woven into a structure.

    My positive message: “Let homo sapiens finally live up to its Latin species name“.
  • Annoy Musk. Donate to Wikipedia

    Wikipedia logo and brandingOne of the greatest benefits to mankind of modern information technology and the internet is the ease of access to knowledge of all kinds. The charitable Wikimedia Foundation, which is the umbrella organisation for Wikipedia and its sister projects, has made a major contribution to this ease of access to information of all kinds for free and for any purpose.

    However, this has not met with everyone’s approval, particularly one excessively rich person of limited intelligence with a very big mouth.

    Step forward with no style at all man-baby Elon Musk. According to The London Economic, the wrecker of the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, has taken offence at Wikipedia’s editing policy and decided the best way to bend it to his will is to throw money at the problem in the form of bribery.

    Musk once offered Wikipedia $1 billion to change its name to ‘Dickipedia’; this is an offer he said still stands although he’s now offering $1 bn. to rename it Wokepedia, erroneously claiming this would be “in the interests of accuracy”.

    This is despite the fact that Wikipedia has a dedicated page entitled Wikipedia is Not For Sale, which categorically states the following:

    Wikipedia is not for sale. Wikipedia is a non-commercial website run by the Wikimedia Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in San Francisco. We are not looking to be acquired by the highest bidder. Our mission is to create a free online encyclopedia that anyone can access and contribute to.

    Wikipedia is currently running one of its regular fundraisers, so do the right thing: donate to Wikipedia; and annoy Elon Musk in the process.

    I have! 😀

  • Musk’s Rothermere moment

    Controversial is perhaps too polite a term to describe the political pronouncements of rich man-baby Elon Musk, particularly as he seems to favour marching on his right foot.

    Not content with being best buddies with his latest pal, the disgraced president-elect of the United States, disgraced former 45th president, insurrectionist, convicted felon, adjudicated sexual predator, business fraudster, congenital liar and golf cheat, one Donald John Trump and having a major influence on US politics before the Felon of the Year has even been asked to swear his oath of office, Musk is also now turning his attention to foreign policy.

    This was recently illustrated by his recent cosying up to the far right of British politics in the shape of talks about a significant donation to Reform UK, the private fiefdom (and fan club. Ed.) of the mountebank known the world as Nigel Paul Farage that masquerades as a regular British political party.

    Musk has now shifted his attention to the eastern shores of the North Sea and more specifically to Germany, where Chancellor Olaf Scholz recently lost a vote of confidence, with a general election due to be held in February.

    Yesterday, Musk posted the following on his increasingly right-wing pretend social media platform.

    Post reads Only the AfD can save Germany

    The AfD (Alternative für Deutschland is described in Wikipedia‘s understated manner as a far-right and right-wing populist political party in Germany, although terming it Neo-Nazi would be more accurate given its rampant nationalism and racism.

    If one accepts that social media today has as much influence now as newspapers had in the decades after the first war, then a clear parallel can be seen between Musk and one Harold Sydney Harmsworth, also known as ‘Lord’ Rothermere, the proprietor of the Daily Mail in the 1930s, a decade when a disgruntled WW1 veteran was making political waves in Germany.

    Following the 1930 German federal election, in which Hitler’s Nazis won 107 out of 577 seats, Rothermere wrote in the Mail that Hitler’s party “represents the birth of Germany as a nation”. This was after the erstwhile Corporal Hitler had made clear his hatred of Jews and belief in racial supremacy in his book Mein Kampf.

    In 1934 fascism had spread to establish roots in Britain in the shape of Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists, which was founded in 1932 and otherwise known as the Blackshirts on account of their uniform.

    In 1934 Rothermere attached his name to what is doubtless the most notorious headline ever to appear in the Mail, which then as now was telling its gullible readers what to think in the form of a outpouring of praise for Britain’s then nascent fascist party.

    Daily Mail from 15th January 1934 with headline Hurrah for the Blackshirts written by Lord Rothermere

    Rothermere’s support for the Nazis and their policies were evident right up to the outbreak of war in 1939. When persecuted Jews started fleeing Germany after Kristallnacht in 1938, Rothermere’s Mail responded in typical racist fashion.

    Headline - German Jews pouring into this country

    Fortunately, Musk will not be able to distort German politics as he is attempting to do in the Untied Kingdom by waving large amounts of cash beneath politicians’ noses. Foreign political donations are expressly forbidden under German law. What is more, Section 25 (2) no. 6 of the Political Parties Act requires political parties to identify donors paying sums exceeding €500. Party statements of accounts must list donations and contributions paid by elected representatives/officials to an amount exceeding €10,000 euros per calendar year, stating the donor’s name and address and the total amount of the donation received. Furthermore, Single donations in excess of €50,000 euros must be reported immediately to the President of the German Bundestag, who will then give notice of the donation and the donor’s name, online and in a Bundestag printed paper as soon as possible.

    The time has long since past when the UK should have tightened up on political finance to be as rigorous as Germany.

    In the meantime, what effect will Musk’s endorsement of fascists have on the German election in February? One German commentator on social media has already remarked that, apart from financial power being equated with political power, one thing that is not happening in Germany is any discussion that these circumstances are inherently undemocratic and that this influence does not just start with party donations, does not end with the ownership and direct influencing of journalism and the media and thus represents a problem.

    Any thoughts? Leave a comment below.

  • Amateur human being vs. a real person of the year

    This is a time of year when those in the media like to look back over the previous 12 months and come to conclusions about what and who is worthy of remembrance.

    One of these media organisations that does so is Time magazine. Time has been running its Person of the Year featuring a person, group, idea, or object that “for better or for worse … has done the most to influence the events of the year”.

    This year Time’s Person of the Year for the second time (the first being in 2016. Ed.) is none other than the waste of food and oxygen variously described as the disgraced president-elect of the United States, the disgraced former 45th president, insurrectionist, convicted felon, adjudicated sexual predator, business fraudster, congenital liar and golf cheat, one Donald John Trump.

    Time Person the the Year, disgraced president-elect of the United States, the disgraced former 45th president, insurrectionist, convicted felon, adjudicated sexual predator, business fraudster, congenital liar and golf cheat, one Donald John Trump.
    A man who should be disqualified from the human race for cheating.

    The selection of Trump is not without precedent as far as authoritarians are involved: past persons of the year have included both Adolf Hitler (1938), Jospeh Stalin (1939 and 1942, Chiang Kai-shek (1937 – shared with his wife, Soong Mei-ling) and Vladimir ‘the Invader’ Putin (2007).

    Move across the Atlantic and there’s a clear contrast. The British periodical The New European, which launched in 2016, also selects a person of the year. However, the difference between The New European’s choice and that of Time could not be more pronounced as the former has chosen rape survivor Gisèle Pelicot, a survivor of repeated rapes and sexual abuse (as opposed to the sexual predator chosen by Time. Ed.).

    Cover of The New European featuring mass rape survivor Gisèle Pelicot
    Gisèle Pelicot has spent over three and a half months attending hearings of her former husband’s trial and that of 50 other men accused of abusing her.

    Revelations about the mass rape of Mme Pelicot came to light as follows: in September 2024, Dominique Pélicot, a 71-year-old from Mazan in south-eastern France, testified in court that he repeatedly drugged his wife, raped her and invited strangers to rape her while she was unconscious. Over a period of nine years, from July 2011 to October 2020, Gisèle Pélicot, who was unaware of the abuse being perpetrated against her, was raped 92 times by 72 men while her husband filmed them. The crimes only came to light in September 2020 when Dominique Pélicot was arrested for taking upskirt photographs of women in a supermarket and the ensuing police investigation discovered thousands of images and videos of men raping Gisèle Pélicot on his computing equipment. For three and a half months Gisèle Pélicot, who waived her right to anonymity, has attended court to confront her former husband and her abusers, stating that the story of all these men and their alleged sex crimes must be told in order to end what she called “rape culture”, where sexual violence is so commonplace in society it is almost shrugged off, as well as because Pelicot and the men got away with it for so long.

    Mme Pelicot’s actions have raised her to a feminist hero in seeking justice for the harm done to her, whilst over the pond The Felon continues to evade justice, hiding behind the fig-leaf of his election win.

    Do you have a person of the year or a preference out out of the above two. If so, leave a comment. 😀

    Update 21/12/2024: Prospect magazine has revealed the Felon of the Year has also been named as the Financial Times‘ person the year.

  • Two fingers versus the iron fist

    Yesterday Rachel Reeves, a woman whose start-free talents include doing poor chancellor of the exchequer impressions, announced she would use an “iron fist” to squeeze out waste to achieve expenditure savings of 5% in government departments.

    Lisa 'Two Fingers' Nandy, DCMS Secretary of StateHowever, it appears that Ms Reeves’ iron fist has started to show signs of rust and of being ignored by Whitehall departments as the Department for Digital, Culture and Sports (DCMS) has already stuck two fingers up at the chancellor, as shown by revelations concerning its stationery supplies.

    As reported by Scotland’s National today, the DCMS has recently bought two ministerial folders from luxury leather goods manufacturer Barrow Hepburn & Gale at a cost of £594 each. The government is a regular customer of the company, as is the Mountbatten-Windsor family and its hangers-on.

    Nandy’s folders cost a grand total of £1,118. The National helpfully points out that similar leather-bound document holders are available in the House of Commons shop for just £30. The excuse for spending the amount demanded by Barrow Hepburn & Gale is to “enhance“. This enhancement would appear to be at the root of a well-known old adage: a fool and his money are soon parted.

    In a clear case of government by gaslight, a spokesperson has stated it is “entirely focused on ensuring every pound of spending represents the best value for taxpayers, while also increasing investment in our public services and delivering on key growth projects”.

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