
  • All day?

    A crime against the English language appeared in my social media feed today. It loomed out of a photograph of part of the menu from an unidentified McDonald’s drive through somewhere in the United States.

    Menu for All Day Breakfast, but served ONLY UNTIL 1PM
    Dies irae* if you roll up at 1.01 pm?

    It centres on the use of the word day whose meaning for this context is provided by Merriam-Webster:

    “the time of light between one night and the next”.

    When combined with the words all and breakfast one would expect the fare proffered to be provided throughout the hours of daylight between sunrise and sunset; or at the very least to be available between the business’ opening and closing times.

    Not “ONLY UNTIL 1PM” as the menu shouts loudly.

    The picture seems to have been taken some while ago, as the price of eggs in the USA has rocketed due to avian influenza and Walmart is rationing egg purchases. The egg shortage has not gone unnoticed under the golden arches either: Newsweek reports a customer of a McDonald’s in Fairfield, Connecticut was charged $7.29 per Egg McMuffin and complained about it on social media.

    * = Day of wrath (usually divine. Ed.).

  • Telling the truth costs NZ diplomat his job

    Phil Goff the former New Zealand High Commissioner to the Untied Kingdom. Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.The BBC reports that New Zealand’s right wing new Zealand First party foreign minister Winston Peters has dismissed his country’s high commissioner (that’s Commonwealth speak for ambassador. Ed.) to London after the latter told a few home truths about the disgraced former 45th president and current disgraceful 47th president of the United States of America, insurrectionist, convicted felon, adjudicated sexual predator, business fraudster, congenital liar and golf cheat commonly known as Donald John Trump.

    According to the BBC:

    At an event in London on Tuesday, High Commissioner Phil Goff compared efforts to end the war between Russia and Ukraine to the 1938 Munich Agreement, which allowed Adolf Hitler to annex part of Czechoslovakia without any involvement of the Czechoslovak government.

    The Munich Agreement was signed on 30th September 1938, by Nazi Germany, the United Kingdom (represented by prime minister Neville Chamberlain. Ed.), France and Fascist Italy and provided for the German annexation of part of Czechoslovakia called the Sudetenland, where more than three million people, mainly ethnic Germans, lived.

    Neville Chamberlain returned triumphantly to Britain proclaiming he’d achieved “peace in our time” and waving a piece of paper allegedly including Hitler’s signature above his head.

    Private Eye style lookalike with Neville Chamberlain and the felon known as Donald Trump

    One of the critics of Chamberlain was Winston Churchill, who was to succeed Chamberlain as the UK’s second wartime prime minister. Churchill remarked:

    You had the choice between war and dishonour. You chose dishonour, yet you will have war.

    Mr Goff noted that, “President Trump has restored the bust of Churchill to the Oval Office. But do you think he really understands history?”

    In support of Mr Goff, Trump’s woeful knowledge of history is a matter of public record. In July 2019 claimed in a speech Continental Army “manned the air” and “took over the airports” during the Revolutionary War, despite the fact that the Wright brothers’ first flight did not take place in 1903, one hundred and twenty years after the end of the American revolution.

    The BBC piece describes Mr Goff as “a veteran politician who had been high commissioner since January 2023. Before that, he served for two terms as mayor of Auckland, New Zealand’s largest city, and was leader of the Labour Party from 2008 to 2011. He had also held several ministerial portfolios, including justice, foreign affairs and defence“.

  • A put-down from Linus

    Linux was once famously described as Communism by former Microsoft chief executive Steve Ballmer.

    The non-corporate, contributive and sharing nature of free and open source software and operating systems is one aspect that has always made it attractive to your ‘umble scribe, who comes from a family where both branches have been left-leaning for three generations and possibly longer.

    Linus Torvalds, the creator and chief developer of the Linux kernel, the heart of the operating system, has a reputation for plain speaking, to put matters politely.

    Linus has responded forthrightly – but mostly politely to someone who aimed the phrase “woke Communist propaganda” in his direction via social media recently and set out his political views plainly for all to see, as shown in the following screenshot.

    Thank you, Linus, for your humanity, never mind the kernel. 😀

  • Nanny meets fascism

    In 1964, Walt Disney released Mary Poppins starring Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke, the man with the worst Cockney accent ever to be recorded for release on celluloid.

    One of the film’s biggest song and dance tunes was a catchy little number sung by the two stars and entitled “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious“.

    According to the song’s Wikipedia page, songwriters the Sherman Brothers have given several conflicting explanations for the word’s origin, in one instance claiming to have coined it themselves, based on their memories of having created double-talk words as children. At another time they are on record as having written the following:

    When we were little boys in the mid-1930s, we went to a summer camp in the Adirondack Mountains, where we were introduced to a very long word that had been passed down in many variations through many generations of kids. … The word as we first hear it was super-cadja-flawjalistic-espealedojus.

    Scroll forward sixty-one years from Mary Poppins on the silver screen and Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious has become part of the English language.

    Furthermore, as my social media timeline this week has revealed, the word itself has been parodied and used as a pun in connection with one person in particular, the disgraced 47th and 45th president of the United States, insurrectionist, convicted felon, adjudicated sexual predator, business fraudster, congenital liar and golf cheat commonly known as Donald John Trump, who is currently dealing enthusiastically and vindictively with punishing political opponents, as well as dismantling the federal government as part of his mission to Make America Grate Again (or something like that. Ed.)

    Cardboard sign bearing the handwritten slogan Super Callous Fragile Racist Sexist Nazi Potus
    Sounds about right!
  • OpenAI, an irony-free company

    AI, we keep being told is the next big thing in the wonderful world of information technology. So far most AIs out in the wild have been developed at great expense and require vast amounts of electricity to work.

    Until now.

    DeepSeek logoIn the last week or so the AI world has been shaken by the latest version of DeepSeek, an AI developed by the Chinese.

    The latest version of Deepseek (R1) provides responses comparable to other contemporary LLMs, such OpenAI’s GPT-4o and o1 despite being trained at a significantly lower cost—stated at US$6 mn. compared with $100 mn. for OpenAI’s GPT-4 in 2023. Furthermore, Deepseek only requires one-tenth of the computing power of a comparable LLM. This caused a 17% drop in the share price of Nvidia, the main supplier of AI hardware.

    However, DeepSeek is not without its limitations. As The Guardian found out, the DeepSeek chatbot becomes very taciturn and tongue-tied when asked questions which the Chinese government finds sensitive. When asked the following questions, the AI assistant responded: “Sorry, that’s beyond my current scope. Let’s talk about something else.”

    In addition, DeepSeek and other Chinese generative AI must not contain content that violates the country’s “core socialist values”, that “incites to subvert state power and overthrow the socialist system” or “endangers national security and interests and damages the national image”.

    Besides its reluctance to answer questions the Chinese government doesn’t like, there’s another problem for DeepSeek – plagiarism.

    OpenAI logoThe BBC reports that OpenAI, the maker of ChatGPT, has accused DeepSeek and others using its work to make rapid advances in developing their own AI tools.

    The fact that OpenAI is accusing others of plagiarising its work shows the company does not understand or admit either irony or hypocrisy as the company’s own LLM has been trained to some extent on material that infringes others’ copyright. The use of copyrighted materials for training LLMs is a topic that has also exercised German-speaking literary translators (posts passim).

    Some companies clearly think ethics is a county with a speech defect in south-east England and that all is fair not just in love and war, but in business too.

  • Rachel buys magic beans

    The 1734 tale of “The Story of Jack Spriggins and the Enchanted Bean“, better known nowadays as “The History of Jack and the Bean-Stalk” in the version published in 1807, all hinges on Jack, the poor country boy and the hero of the story swapping the family cow at market for a handful of magic beans, much to the dismay of his mother.

    Official portrait of Rachel Reeves. Any resemblance to a competent economist is purely coincidentalWhat has a fairy tale about gullibility have to do with the current the Chancellor of the Exchequer, one Rachel Jane Reeves, who despite her qualifications from New College, Oxford (PPE) and the London School of Economics (doctorate in economics) appears to suffer from the same ailment as young Jack?

    Well, Ms Reeves seems to have been sold a complete fantasy by her civil service minders in the advice given to her in respect of her proposed announcement later this week of a third runway at London’s Heathrow airport to counter any opposition, as reported yesterday in The Times.

    The proposals for a third runaway at the capital’s main airport have long been a source of opposition and the latest incarnation thereof has drawn opposition from Energy Secretary Ed Miliband, London mayor Sadiq Khan and local London MPs Andy Slaughter (Hammersmith and Chiswick), Fleur Anderson (Putney), Marsha de Cordova (Battersea), John McDonnell (Hayes & Harlington) and Ruth Cadbury (Brentford & Isleworth).

    And the complete fantasy bought by Ms Reeves? As justification for airport expansion, she is on record as saying the third runaway is justified because of recent aviation fuel innovations.

    “Sustainable aviation fuel is changing carbon emissions from flying.”

    The only drawback to her argument is that there is, of course, no such thing as sustainable aviation fuel. As reported by The Guardian in 2024, a paper on sustainable jet fuels from the Institute for Policy Studies found that expectations for these were not realistic. Chuck Collins, co-author of the report remarked as follows:

    To bring these fuels to the scale needed would require massive subsidies, the trade-offs would be unacceptable and would take resources aware from more urgent decarbonization priorities.

    It’s a huge greenwashing exercise by the aviation industry. It’s magical thinking that they will be able to do this.

    A further study by The Royal Society in 2023 found that over half of the UK’s agricultural land would be needed to produce biofuel to meet the country’s existing aviation fuel demand.

    Not only is Ms Reeves indulging in greenwashing, there's an accusation of hypocrisy on the charge sheet too. She was prepared to argue against the expansion of Leeds Bradford airport near her Yorkshire constituency due to concerns about air and noise pollution.

    As The Times piece helpfully points out:

    In 2020, Reeves objected to a new terminal for the Leeds Bradford airport near her constituency, arguing that it “would significantly increase air and noise pollution” and “undermine vital efforts to ensure that Leeds upholds its commitment to become a carbon neutral city by 2030.”
  • Liability lost in translation

    As this blog has pointed out previously (posts passim), it is not unusual for bilingual signage to have text that tells the speakers of one language one thing and those of the other language something completely different.

    The bad advice given can cover such varied topics as how far one has to travel to legal liability for loss of or damage to private property.

    The latter is the subject of a photograph which appeared in your ‘umble scribe’s social media feed this morning and concerns legal liability at an unknown railway station operated by Trafnidiaeth Cymru, also known as Transport for Wales.

    Welsh text = You can leave your bike here for free, but at your own risk. English text - Bicycles may be left here free of charge but at our risk

    In translation, the Welsh text on the sign reads:

    You can leave your bike here for free, but at your own risk

    On the other hand, the English text reads:

    Bicycles may be left here free of charge but at our risk

    Judging by the patina on the sign, it’s been there a long time and somebody has yet to take the railway company to court to determine exactly where legal liability lies given the sign’s bilingual ambiguity.

    Your correspondent wonders how many of these confusing signs have been installed across Cymru.

  • More than 60 academic institutions quit X

    German emergency exit signMore than 60 German and Austrian universities and research institutions wanted to set an example and collectively announced that they were ceasing their activities on the X social media platform, a cesspit of far-right intolerance, ignorance, paranoia, misinformation, flat-out lying, and malicious abuse formerly known as Twitter. This withdrawal is a result of the lack of compatibility between the platform’s current orientation and the core values ​​of the institutions involved: cosmopolitanism, scientific integrity, transparency and democratic discourse.

    The changes to X – from the amplification of right-wing populist content to the restriction of organic reach – make further use untenable for the organisations involved. The institutions’ withdrawal underscores their commitment to fact-based communication and against anti-democratic forces. The values ​​that promote diversity, freedom and science are no longer present on the platform.

    Some institutions which have already ceased their activities on the platform also support the joint appeal, thereby reaffirming the importance of an open and constructive culture of discussion. This decision only affects the X-accounts of the institutions involved and not their communication via other social media channels. In the light of recent events, they will continue to closely monitor the development of the platforms and their algorithms.

    The institutions concerned are as follows:

    • Alanus Hochschule fĂŒr Kunst und Gesellschaft;
    • Bauhaus-UniversitĂ€t Weimar;
    • Berliner Hochschule fĂŒr Technik;
    • Brandenburgische Technische UniversitĂ€t Cottbus – Senftenberg;
    • Christian-Albrechts-UniversitĂ€t in Kiel;
    • Deutsche Ornithologische Gesellschaft;
    • Deutsche Sporthochschule, Cologne;
    • Europa-UniversitĂ€t Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder);
    • Fachhochschule Dortmund;
    • FernUniversitĂ€t in Hagen;
    • Freie UniversitĂ€t Berlin;
    • Friedrich-Alexander-UniversitĂ€t Erlangen-NĂŒrnberg;
    • Goethe-UniversitĂ€t Frankfurt;
    • HAWK Hochschule fĂŒr angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst Hildesheim/Holzminden/Göttingen;
    • Heinrich-Heine-UniversitĂ€t, DĂŒsseldorf;
    • Hochschule Anhalt;
    • Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg;
    • Hochschule Darmstadt;
    • Hochschule der Bildenden KĂŒnste Saar;
    • Hochschule fĂŒr Musik und Theater, Hamburg;
    • Hochschule fĂŒr Philosophie, Munich;
    • Hochschule Furtwangen;
    • Hochschule MĂŒnchen;
    • Hochschule Neubrandenburg;
    • Hochschule OsnabrĂŒck;
    • Hochschule RheinMain;
    • Hochschule Ruhr West;
    • Hochschule fĂŒr nachhaltige Entwicklung, Eberswalde;
    • Hochschule fĂŒr Wirtschaft und Umwelt, NĂŒrtingen-Geislingen;
    • Humboldt-UniversitĂ€t in Berlin;
    • Institut fĂŒr Vogelforschung;
    • Johannes Gutenberg-UniversitĂ€t, Mainz;
    • Justus-Liebig-Gesellschaft;
    • Justus-Liebig-UniversitĂ€t, Gießen;
    • Katholische Hochschule Nordrhein-Westfalen;
    • Kirchliche Hochschule, Wuppertal;
    • Leibniz-Zentrum fĂŒr Marine Tropenforschung;
    • Leibniz-Institut fĂŒr Ostseeforschung WarnemĂŒnde;
    • Medizinische UniversitĂ€t Innsbruck;
    • Philipps-UniversitĂ€t Marburg;
    • RWTH Aachen;
    • Technische Hochschule Georg Agricola;
    • Technische Hochschule, Cologne;
    • Technische UniversitĂ€t Braunschweig (Brunswick);
    • Technische UniversitĂ€t Darmstadt;
    • Technische UniversitĂ€t Dresden;
    • UniversitĂ€t Bamberg;
    • UniversitĂ€t Bayreuth;
    • UniversitĂ€t des Saarlandes;
    • UniversitĂ€t der KĂŒnste, Berlin;
    • UniversitĂ€t Duisburg-Essen;
    • UniversitĂ€t Erfurt;
    • UniversitĂ€t Greifswald;
    • UniversitĂ€t Heidelberg;
    • UniversitĂ€t Innsbruck;
    • UniversitĂ€t MĂŒnster;
    • UniversitĂ€t Potsdam;
    • UniversitĂ€t Siegen;
    • UniversitĂ€t Trier;
    • UniversitĂ€t Ulm;
    • UniversitĂ€t WĂŒrzburg;
    • UniversitĂ€t zu LĂŒbeck; and
    • WestsĂ€chsische Hochschule, Zwickau.

  • What We Leave Behind

    Your ‘umble scribe’s recent stay in Sydney coincided with the Sydney Festival, a major arts festival held for three weeks in January every year since its inception in 1977.

    On my penultimate day in Australia your correspondent had arranged to visit the Museum of Contemporary Art Australia and arrived rather early. While waiting to rendezvous, a volunteer for Cave Urban outside a gazebo at Tallawoladah Lawn persuaded yours truly to take part in What We Leave Behind, a participatory event involving lots of split bamboo, market pens and people’s imaginations.

    Leaflet reads WHAT WE LEAVE BEHIND CAVE URBAN Come down to Tallawoladah Lawn outside the Museum of Contemporary Art Australia) to share your messages of hope for our planet. Your written messages will be woven into this stunning bamboo art installation. 8am-7pm daily

    Members of the public were invited to leave messages of hope for the planet on strips of bamboo which are being woven into a structure.

    My positive message: “Let homo sapiens finally live up to its Latin species name“.
  • Stolen!

    Sydney Central railway station has many memorials, of which the most prominent is that to railway staff who lost their lives in war. It’s right in the middle of the central concourse up against the back wall.

    However, there is another far less prominent one near the left luggage concession and Platform 1 that commemorates a war of a different kind, a war waged not against an aggressive or hostile foreign power, but on indigenous culture and heritage.

    It’s very simple and consists of a grey metal frame containing a large panel of indigenous artwork and an inscription, as shown in the photograph below.

    Memorial to Stolen Generations at Sydney Central railway station

    It commemorates the Stolen Generations, which Wikipedia describes as “The Stolen Generations (also known as Stolen Children) were the children of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent who were removed from their families by the Australian federal and state government agencies and church missions, under acts of their respective parliaments.

    The wording on the memorial reads:

    Transport for NSW acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children were forcibly removed from their families and communities due to past government policies and practices. These children are known as the Stolen Generations. Platform 1 is where these children arrived, were separated from their siblings and sent to institutions throughout the state.

    Some of these children never made it home, living their lives disconnected from their families and communities and not knowing their true heritage.

    This memorial is dedicated to the Stolen Generations and their descendants.

    As stated in the station memorial, this removal was neither voluntary nor peaceful, as illustrated in the artwork entitled The Taking of the Children on the 1999 Great Australian Clock on the Queen Victoria Building (QVB), Sydney, by artist Chris Cooke.

    The Taking of the Children by Chris Cooke

    The stated aim of the so-called “resocialisation” programmes was to improve the integration of Aboriginal people into modern [European-Australian, i.e. white] society. Nevertheless, a recent study conducted in Melbourne reported that there was no tangible improvement in the social position of “removed” Aboriginal people as compared to “non-removed”. In the fields of employment and post-secondary education, the removed children had about the same results as those who were not removed, but caused those involved great mental harm and trauma. A 2019 study by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) found that children living in households with members of the Stolen Generations are more likely “to experience a range of adverse outcomes“, including poor health, especially mental health, missing school and living in poverty. Among the Stolen Generations there are high incidences of anxiety, depression, PTSD and suicide, along with alcohol abuse, with the associated unstable parenting and family situations.

    The federal states of Australia now all have redress and compensation schemes for the victims, but money is no substitute for not having suffered in the first place.

    However, Australia is not the only country invaded by the British where indigenous peoples were maltreated. Similar indignities were suffered by First Nations children in Canada. In what looks like a very similar scheme, residential schools were created to isolate Indigenous children from the influence of their own culture and religion in order to assimilate them into the dominant white Euro-Canadian culture.

    The same pattern can also be seen in Aotearoa (which some still call New Zealand. Ed.) in what Al Jazeera describes as a quiet genocide. More than 100,000 children – mostly indigenous Maori were taken from their parents and placed in state welfare institutions from the 1940s through to the late 1980s.

    If these systems all developed independently, there does seem to be a lot of crossover – one might even say collusion – with trauma and loss of culture and heritage (and sometimes lives. Ed.) as the result.

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