Translation error causes product recall

Translation error causes product recall

A translation error wrongly mentioning “alcohol” in the Arabic list of ingredients resulted in Dubai Municipality recalling Milka Oreo chocolate bars last Thursday, Gulf News reports.

Milka & Oreo bars

Dubai’s Food Safety Department said the recall followed rumours in social media that these chocolate bars contain alcohol.

A spokesman told Gulf News the following:

We received the rumour for clarification through our WhatsApp service and we checked the product. Samples were tested and we found that there is no alcohol in the product. But the problem was a wrong translation of the product label.

The wrongly translated ingredient was chocolate liquor, i.e. semi-solid cocoa paste, the second element of which – liquor- the translator had wrongly translated “alcoholic beverages”.

The Food Safety Department also contacted the manufacturer to correct the error and gave reassurances that the bar were halal and therefore safe for consumption by Muslims.

Author: Steve Woods

Generic carbon-based humanoid life form.