New Bristol coat of arms
There’s a meeting of Mayor George Ferguson’s cabinet today down at City Hall the Counts Louse today.
Amongst the items on the agenda are the sale of the freehold of Avonmouth and Royal Portbury Docks for a mere £10 mn. to the Bristol Port Company.
However, there are more controversial items to be discussed. A mole down the Counts Louse has revealed that a new coat of arms and motto for the city have been proposed. Our new elected autocrat Mayor believes “Virtute et Industrial” (Virtue and Industry) is no longer appropriate given the changes he’s made since being elected and believes the city would be better served by the more apposite “Carpe Omnium” (Grab it all). He also believes the city’s coat of arms should be redesigned too, likewise to reflect his achievements.
For the benefit of readers I’ve mocked up the new motto and a new coat of arms to show what Bristol could be letting itself in for.

The council press office is denying rumours that the Cabinet is also discussing a motion to rename the city Georgetown in honour of the Mayor.