Daily Archives: Friday, January 29, 2016

  • Gloucestershire PCC defends linguists

    Gloucestershire PCC Martin SurlA couple of days ago, the Tory Police & Crime Commissioner candidate for Gloucestershire, Will Windsor-Clive criticised the £100,000 or so the Gloucestershire constabulary spends annually on interpreters (posts passim) in an early campaign effort to deploy bigotry and xenophobia.

    Today, the Western Daily Press reports that the current Police and Crime Commissioner, independent Martin Surl, has defended his force’s expenditure on linguists.

    He is reported to have said the following:

    Translators [sic] are highly qualified professionals who provide a fundamental service.

    Victims must be protected and the law administered without fear or favour and effective communication is essential to the process of justice.

    It is also a legal requirement that if a case comes to court, all sides must be understood and be able to understand the proceedings.

    Well said, Mr Surl, although you need to see my handy illustrated guide to appreciate the difference between translators and interpreters. 🙂