It’s been 10 years since Trinity Community Arts first asked me to help with their then new annual fireworks party, which has taken place ever since. Only once in a decade has the event been badly marred by rain; that was in 2013 when the bonfire had to be lit and the fireworks fired in a steady autumn downpour.
For the first time in those 10 years, Emma from Trinity had the presence of mind to take a photo of the fireworks crew. Onj – the handsome chap in the red boiler suit – is the fireworks half of the crew. Your correspondent is in charge of the bonfire department.

It was a truly great event this year with a good crowd of some 1,250 people, plus food and fantastic music (you forgot to mention the spectacular fireworks! Ed.). The event also raised £1,100 for Trinity, which will go towards buying new drapes for the main hall. Your ‘umble scribe finally got home feeling very tired but happy at 11.30 pm after extinguishing the remains of the bonfire.