Turnip Prize awarded

Turnip Prize awarded

News can sometimes travel slowly in the West Country, so it’s only this afternoon that I’ve become aware of this year’s Turnip Prize – the antidote to the better known Turner Prize.

The magnificent Turnip Prize trophy
The magnificent Turnip Prize trophy

The Turnip Prize is awarded annually at the New Inn in Wedmore on the Somerset Levels, far away from the glitz of metropolitan London.

This year’s winner was midwife Sarah Quick, from Clutton, who was presented with the award’s customary winnner’s trophy of an old turnip mounted on a six-inch nail, as seen above. Sarah’s winning entry was entitled ‘The Three Tenas’ and consisted of a pack of women’s Tena incontinence pads with three sticking out of the top.

Three Tenas - thias year's Turnip Prize winner
Three Tenas – thias year’s Turnip Prize winner

Competition must have been more intense this year with 86 entries, 17 more than last year. Popular rumour has it that Bristol’s famous son Banksy has entered in the past, but has been disqualified for making too much of an effort!

Hat tip: Rich Higgs

Author: Steve Woods

Generic carbon-based humanoid life form.