Highlighting a foul practice

Highlighting a foul practice

Dog fouling is one of the banes of modern life; it’s filthy, a health hazard and – as any local councillor will tell you – a permanent source of correspondence for them from the electorate.

Over in Bedminster someone has been patrolling the streets and highlighting the problem of dog fouling by spraying the canine visiting cards left in public places with yellow paint, as shown in the example below from Stillhouse Lane.

dog poo sprayed yellow

Over in BS5, there’s someone else who also goes round the Easton and Redfield areas with a spray can of paint attacking dog faeces, in this case spraying them fluorescent green.

Bristolians can report dog fouling online to the City Council, who respond quickly to the laziness of dog owners who cannot be bothered to clean up after their pets.

In closing here’s a final reminder to those who let their dogs foul the streets and don’t clean it up: it’s an offence that could land you with a fine of £80, which might be a little more inconvenient than stooping and scooping. 🙂

Author: Steve Woods

Generic carbon-based humanoid life form.