Portugal adopts ODF as standard

Portugal adopts ODF as standard

ODF file iconIn a list of open standard for use by public authorities, the Portuguese government is prescribing Open Document Format (ODF) as the sole format for editable documents, according to Germany’s Heise IT news site, commenting on a report from ESOP, the Portuguese Open Source Business Association. The list is part of a body of rules to ensure interoperability.

In addition, the Open Standards Law (Law 36/2011 – unofficial translation here) passed in summer last year obliges the Portuguese authorities to use open standards wherever possible.

ODF was initially the XML-based document format for the OpenOffice.org productivity suite and subsequently was adopted as an international standard, first with OASIS and later with the ISO.

Further permitted open standards are PDF, XML, XMPP, IMAP, SMTP, CALDAV and LDAP. The initiative to establish open standards in the public sector is part of a programme which should save the administration €500 mn. per year.

ESOP now hopes that the implementation of open standards in Portugal contributes to a better functioning IT market with more competition, lower prices and new opportunities for local SMEs.

Author: Steve Woods

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