Shredder poll: UKIP wins

Shredder poll: UKIP wins

All election materials delivered to my home are recycled and those containing my personal detailed are shredded before recycling.

Each election I keep a tally of the number of communications received from each candidate or party, which has acquired the name of the shredder poll over the years.

Today the UK votes in elections for the European Parliament (posts passim). In addition, one-third of the council wards in Bristol are also up for election, although my ward of Lawrence Hill isn’t one of them.

Click here for a full list of candidates for the European Parliament elections (PDF).

The lack of a council election in my ward could account for the low level of election leaflets received in the run-up to the poll: a mere 6.

The graphic below shows the results of the shredder poll.

bar chart showing shredder poll results

Well done UKIP! Perhaps this win will go some way to make up for your misguided #WhyImVotingUkip Twitter campaign.

Author: Steve Woods

Generic carbon-based humanoid life form.