Is this yours, George?

Is this yours, George?

Spotted on the pavement opposite House of Fraser, Cabot Circus, Bristol – one red bra.

shot of red bra on footway

Whose could it be?

There’s one person in Bristol who is well known for wearing red – the city’s elected Mayor, George Ferguson.

It is suspected that George has shed his clothing in public before, notably in Easton (posts passim).

Could the Mayor’s secret penchant for transvestism or covert gender reassignment finally have been revealed? If so, when will George tell the citizens of Bristol?

That’s a matter for George’s conscience and our speculation.

However, turning to serious matters, shedding clothing on the highway is technically littering. Bristolians can report litter, fly-tipping, graffiti, dog fouling and the like online via the links on the city council’s street care and cleaning page.

Author: Steve Woods

Generic carbon-based humanoid life form.