Top Bristol Post headline today

Top Bristol Post headline today

Today’s online edition of the Bristol Post features a great headline to this story, as per the screenshot below.

Post article screenshot

There is however one thing wrong with the headline: it isn’t true since male tortoises – being reptiles – don’t have a penis, but a cloaca (which is the Latin word for sewer. Ed.) – an opening that serves as the only opening for the intestinal, reproductive and urinary tracts of certain species.

To be fair the fact that male tortoises have cloacas is indeed mentioned by the Post’s unnamed author in paragraph 2:

The four year-old spur-thighed tortoise is suffering from a prolapse of the cloaca which requires immediate treatment.

Never let the truth get in the way of a good headline” seems to be a maxim of the British press at both local and national levels.

Finally, this blog wishes Cedric and his owner every success in remedying Cedric’s problem. 🙂

Author: Steve Woods

Generic carbon-based humanoid life form.