Bloody Foreigner!

Bloody Foreigner!

There has been much scrutiny in the media about UKIP’s xenophobia in the run-up to tomorrow’s European Parliament election.

Indeed, party leader Nigel Farage got into a little difficulty in a radio interview on LBC last week, giving rise to accusations of racism, something he later explained away as being due to tiredness.

The picture below (for which Ade Cooper gets a tip of the hat. Ed.) should bring a smile to the face of anyone similarly stricken to me in years who doesn’t share young Nigel’s Little Englander view of the world.

text on image reads Bloody Foreigner coming over here wanting to know what love is

To prevent any further incursion of foreigners and/or Foreigner, perhaps the UK should deploy a squadron of Farage balloons around the coast. Similar to the barrage balloons used in the 20th century’s 2 world wars, these isolationist windbags could soon blow any threat of invasion to the shores of Blighty back to whence it came. 🙂

Author: Steve Woods

Generic carbon-based humanoid life form.

2 thoughts on “Bloody Foreigner!

  1. Hilary Midgley

    Very witty! I think the Farage balloons are an excellent idea! This man (and his like) are dangerous.

    1. Steve Woods Post author

      Just as an interesting aside, the leading Bristol light of UKIP is a certain Steve Wood (singular).

      We all have our cross to bear. 🙂

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