Fresh LibreOffice 4.3 bug hunting session announced

Fresh LibreOffice 4.3 bug hunting session announced

The Document Foundation (TDF), the organisation behind the free and open source LibreOffice productivity suite, has announced the dates for the second bug hunting session for the 4.3 version release of LibreOffice. This will run from 20th to 22nd June. The LibreOffice community has already made a huge collective effort to make LibreOffice 4.3 the best ever, based on automated stress tests and structured tests by Quality Assurance volunteers.

LibreOffice banner

Business and private LibreOffice users can now contribute to the quality of this free office suite by testing the 4.3 release candidate (RC) to identify any issues with their preferred configuration.

Taking part in the bug hunting session Participating is easy. Details of the bug hunting session are on TDF wiki. The list of new features for LibreOffice 4.3 needing testing for bugs and regressions, is also on the wiki.

Prospective participants will need to have a PC running either Linux, MacOs or Windows and a copy of LibreOffice 4.3 RC1 (which can be downloaded from Previous LibreOffice Quality Assurance experience is not mandatory.

Experienced volunteers who will be available via the QA mailing list ( and QA IRC channel (irc:// to assist newcomers in filing bugs.

Author: Steve Woods

Generic carbon-based humanoid life form.