LibreOffice 4.2.5 released

LibreOffice 4.2.5 released

The release of LibreOffice 4.2.5, codenamed “Fresh”, has been announced by The Document Foundation. This is the fifth minor release of this free and open source office suite. However, for more conservative users, The Document Foundation suggests they continue using LibreOffice 4.1.6 “Stable”.

image of LibreOffice Mime type icons
LibreOffice for all your office suite needs: word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, database, drawing and formulas

More than 800 contributors have helped develop both LibreOffice 4.2.5 and LibreOffice 4.1.6 since the launch of the LibreOffice project in September 2010. “This is a wonderful
achievement”, said Thorsten Behrens, Chairman of The Document Foundation. “We have managed to attract at least three new contributors per month for 46 months in a row, with an average of more than 200 new contributors per year.”

A total of 150 bugs have been fixed in the latest release. Details are available for bugs fixed in both release candidates, RC1 and RC2.

LibreOffice 4.2.5 and LibreOffice 4.1.6 are both available for download. In addition, extensions and templates to complement the installation of the software and to add specific features are available at

Author: Steve Woods

Generic carbon-based humanoid life form.