Beyond compere

Beyond compere

a female compereThere’s a classic homophone in today’s online Bristol Post, which carries a feature on the return of What the Frock!, the city’s all-female comedy night.

The homophone in question is in first sentence of the third paragraph, which at the time of writing reads as follows:

The line-up features extended sets from both Mae Martin and Anna Morris and will be compared by Bristol’s very own Jayde Adams, pictured, winner of the Funny Women 2014 Awards.

Compared? With what? Or whom? 😉

The word you’re looking for, struggling Post journalist, is compere, whose dictionary definition is:

(kŏm′pâr′) Chiefly British
The master of ceremonies, as of a television entertainment program or a variety show.
v. com¡pered, com¡per¡ing, com¡peres
To serve as master of ceremonies for.
To serve as the master of ceremonies.

Author: Steve Woods

Generic carbon-based humanoid life form.