Gentrification reaches fly-tipping

Gentrification reaches fly-tipping

Like many other parts of the city, the Easton area of Bristol has been subject to an immense wave of gentrification in the last decade or so, with all the usual signs: rocketing house prices, overpriced bacon butties made with sourdough, etc.

Indeed, local house prices have risen so dramatically within the city that an old college mate’s son and his partner couldn’t afford to buy anywhere in BS5 and eventually had to move to Cheltenham in order to find somewhere more affordable than Bristol’s inner city.

Last year the Bristol Post/Live published its own guide on how to spot the signs of gentrification.

It would be fair to say that gentrification has given rise to some local resentment on the streets, as shown below.

Sticker with wording Refugees welcome. Londoners piss off!

The signs of gentrification have even started showing in the types of items fly-tipped on local streets (in a sort of waste-related version of trickle-down economics. Last month your ‘umble scribe reported his first ever fly-tipped futon base and one of his other tasks today is to notify the council of this morning’s sighting of a fly-tipped golf bag on St Mark’s Road.

Fly-tipped golf bag


Author: Steve Woods

Generic carbon-based humanoid life form.