Wanted: English interpreters in London

Wanted: English interpreters in London

The title is true and it’s a genuine item straight from the news you couldn’t make up department: Capita Translation & Interpeting, the outfit responsible for making an utter mess of the courts and tribunals interpreting contract with the Ministry of Justice (posts passim) is seeking English interpreters for assignments in the London area.

Yes, it does sound amazing, but below is a screenshot of a page from Capita T&I’s website, captured today at 4.45 pm. English is the fifth item down the list.

screenshot of Capita T&I web page
English speakers wanted in London? The mind boggles.

Do you have any ideas why Crapita should need English interpreters in the capital of the country where the language originated? Put them in the comments below. 🙂

Hat tip: RPSI Linguist Lounge

Author: Steve Woods

Generic carbon-based humanoid life form.

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