Struck off and die

Struck off and die

There’s a skill to writing an intriguing headline that invites the reader to engage with an article.

Besides the above that skill also involves the ability to make the headline make sense.

It’s an ability that seems to be lacking down at the Temple Way Ministry of Truth, headquarters of the Bristol Post, the city’s newspaper of (warped) record, as shown by the screenshot below of the head of this article.

headline reads Nurse who forced feeding tube into girl's stomach and died is struck off

Comments on the piece accuse the Post’s headline of not making sense, but to your correspondent it does make perfect sense… as long as nurses can get struck off posthumously.

Update 07/03/17: Perhaps prompted by the mocking nature of the comments, the headline has now been amended to reflect the gist of what actually happened.

Author: Steve Woods

Generic carbon-based humanoid life form.