Two fingers versus the iron fist

Two fingers versus the iron fist

Yesterday Rachel Reeves, a woman whose start-free talents include doing poor chancellor of the exchequer impressions, announced she would use an “iron fist” to squeeze out waste to achieve expenditure savings of 5% in government departments.

Lisa 'Two Fingers' Nandy, DCMS Secretary of StateHowever, it appears that Ms Reeves’ iron fist has started to show signs of rust and of being ignored by Whitehall departments as the Department for Digital, Culture and Sports (DCMS) has already stuck two fingers up at the chancellor, as shown by revelations concerning its stationery supplies.

As reported by Scotland’s National today, the DCMS has recently bought two ministerial folders from luxury leather goods manufacturer Barrow Hepburn & Gale at a cost of £594 each. The government is a regular customer of the company, as is the Mountbatten-Windsor family and its hangers-on.

Nandy’s folders cost a grand total of £1,118. The National helpfully points out that similar leather-bound document holders are available in the House of Commons shop for just £30. The excuse for spending the amount demanded by Barrow Hepburn & Gale is to “enhance“. This enhancement would appear to be at the root of a well-known old adage: a fool and his money are soon parted.

In a clear case of government by gaslight, a spokesperson has stated it is “entirely focused on ensuring every pound of spending represents the best value for taxpayers, while also increasing investment in our public services and delivering on key growth projects”.

Author: Steve Woods

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