Spiritual leader moonlights as police officer

Spiritual leader moonlights as police officer

Reading the captions on photographs in the local press can be a real education.

For instance, thanks to those dedicated people who write captions for articles on the Bristol Post website, I now know what a branch of discount retailer Lidl looks like, although I shall have to travel to Paignton to see the real thing.

However, far greater secrets can be revealed by photo captions. An article in yesterday’s Bristol Post revealed that, unknown to the rest of the world, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, is actually a police officer in Avon & Somerset Constabulary, as shown by the following screenshot.

caption on image reads Former police superintendent Kevin Instance receiving his framed letter of praise from the Dalai Lama

His Holiness must have found some body-altering drugs during his recent visit to the Glastonbury Festival! 😉

Author: Steve Woods

Generic carbon-based humanoid life form.