The Linux Lord’s Prayer

The Linux Lord’s Prayer

Tux - the Linux kernel mascot
Tux – the Linux kernel mascot
One item I missed from my list of highs on last week’s Barncamp post was hearing Naomi from Sheffield recite the Linux Lord’s Prayer she’d devised many years earlier; I first heard Naomi recite it round the campfire in June 2010. This year at Barncamp, Naomi performed it on stage during the Open Mic session on Saturday night.

The prayer is reproduced below for those you have yet to come across it. I hope you enjoy it.

Our father, who art in /sbin,
init is thy name.
Thy PID is 1;
Thy children run
In user space as they do in kernel.
Give us this day our daily RAM
And forgive us our interrupts
As we are nice to those who interrupt us.
Lead us not into uncaught exception
And deliver us from SIGKILL
For thine is the system
And thou art the saviour
For ever and ever – until we upgrade yer!

In addition, Andreas Pothe has translated Naomi’s original prayer into German:

Vater Unser, der Du da bist in /sbin,
init ist Dein Name.
Deine PID ist 1,
Deine Kinder laufen
Im Benutzermodus wie auch im Kernel.
Unser tägliches RAM gib uns heute
Und vergib uns unsere Unterbrechungen
Wie auch wir vergeben unseren Unterbrechern.
Und führe uns nicht in unbehandelte Ausnahmen
Und erlöse uns von dem SIGKILL
Denn Dein ist das System
Und die Kraft und die Herrlichkeit
In Ewigkeit – Bis wir Dich updaten!

Author: Steve Woods

Generic carbon-based humanoid life form.

2 thoughts on “The Linux Lord’s Prayer

  1. Gladys

    Sorry Woody

    I don’t quite get all the unusual quips, not being a Linux user.

    Thanks all the same for getting in touch.


    1. Steve Woods Post author

      Remind me to explain all the geeky bits when I next see you. 🙂

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